Last Update: 29 June 2003
29 June 2003 - Grand Canyon Images |
I just visited the Grand Canyon for a whirlwind four days. While I've been there several times before, this visit was the first since taking on Nature Photography. Have fun... |
9 June 2003 - Digital Archiving Update |
It's funny how things work out. Just yesterday I posted my methods for archiving my files and noted I'd never had any hard drive issues. Well it happened last night. Here's my experience. |
8 June 2003 - Digital Archiving |
Have you ever wondered how to deal with all those digital files? Here is the system I use. While not the simplist system out there it does get the job done and it protects against catastrophic issues that may arise. |
7 June 2003 - Too Much Resolution? |
Here's an article for those that are in continual pursuit of more mega-pixels. While it would be great to shoot with larger, more dense sensors, maybe there's a limit. See here. |
7 June 2003 - Image o' Month? |
I recently had the great honor of shooting Black Bears in the wild. The opportunity was great and hopefully I took full advantage of the situation. Here's a picture from the trip. |
7 May 2003 - The Demise of Nikon? |
If you've been following closely technology updates of camera gear, you may have noticed a general idea that Nikon may be on it's way out. I say "far from it" Check out why. |
2 February - The Great Lens Debate - 500mm's or 600mm's |
If you're an equipment fanatic, one of the largest debates these days on the web is the fight between 500mm or 600mm lenses. Since I have both, here are a few of my thoughts on this matter. |
27 January - Image o' Month |
This month's image of the month is actually about some images of the month. It's all about the submission I made to a local art museum competition. |
22 January - The Digital Nightmare File Naming |
I'm writing a series of articles on how I manage and work with digital files. There are many detailed aspects that need to be considered in this buisness including things like file naming. Find out why. |
15 January - Playing With The Big Boy; Jan Article |
This month's article will be published at other locations--whooo whooo!--not just on my website. It's all about why anyone needs such a huge lens like the 600mm f/4. Enjoy. |
5 January - Digital Techniques |
I'm finally populating the Digital Techniques section of this website. The first article I've included is a short essay on the basics of my digital darkroom. |
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