Equipment & Technical Section

This is where you'll find several of my articles about the more technical portion of photography. You'll find out what equipment I use, how I use it, and why. Some of the articles are similar to those posted on my previous website. They've been updated to reflect my current methods of shooting images out in the field.



Type of cameras that use webcam models and nature photographers

Furthermore, advances in smartphone camera capabilities have made them an attractive alternative for webcam modeling. Many current smartphones have high-resolution cameras with advanced capabilities like picture stabilization and low-light performance. This might be a cheaper choice for models who are just starting out or prefer a more portable setup. If you've chosen to pursue a career in adult cam jobs, here ( is the place to start.

Digital Photography Techniques

Since I've published this--the latest version--of my website, I've jumped with both feet into the wild the woolly world of digital photography. Okay, I may not have committed both of my feet but it sure feels like it. You'll find a few articles here about my foray into this crazy field. Hopefully, you'll be able to learn from the mistakes I've made.

General Photography Techniques

While the digital photography section is devoted to the equipment side of things, this section will cover more ground about the non-equipment side.

The Beginners Series

If you're brand new to nature photography and are looking for a place to start, look at this series as a beginning.