Sandhill Crane Cranium Shot
My final highlighted location is actually located further from the refuges main areas. Several ponds on the northern edge of the refuge are the night resting locations for thousands of Sandhill Cranes. Every evening and morning provide incredible in-flight portraityes I said portraitopportunities of this bird. I personally prefer to setup my equipment along the anticipated flight path of most of the birds to optimize my chances for getting head-on portraits of Sandhill Cranes in-flight. You can easily make these kind of images using a 300mm lens with 2x converter at this location. You could almost get away with a manual focus lens since the birds are at their slowest speedstakeoff or landing. All you have to do is compose your shot and push the shutter. Its impressive.
Even though most of my "trophies" of Bosque this year are of Sandhill Cranes and Snow Geese, theres plenty of other subjects to shoot. Ducks, songbirds, and raptors collect by the thousands and can be easily photographed. While the refuge doesnt advertise itself as "photographer friendly", its obvious it is. The roads are easily large enough for vehicles to stop while still allowing others to drive past. All you have to do is obey the posted speed limit and youre in business.
You cant spend all 24 hours in a day shooting images. Eventually, youll have to depart to either lodge for the night or get some food. The refuge doesnt have a cafeteria unfortunately. The nearest eating establishment is the Owl Bar in the tiny town of San Antonio, 8 miles to the north. Socorro is located 18 miles north of Bosque and has all the major restaurants and hotels. The Super 8 and Holiday Inn Express are probably the nicest lodging. I personally prefer the RV campsite 1/2 mile north of the refuge for my accommodations. While the town doesnt look it, Socorro is actually a college town and home to New Mexico Tech. That means there a few unique restaurants including the Socorro Springs Brewery. While small, the food is great and beer selection is outstanding. Youll definitely enjoy yourself there after a long day shooting.
Bosque Del Apache has so much to offer any photographer. Long lens super telephoto photographers congregate there as much as the birds. Ive never seen so many 400, 500m or 600mm lenses in my life. Without exception, theyre approachable and quite friendly.
I enjoyed myself and am sure you will too.
24 December 2001
Boiling Birds at Dawn--Flight Deck
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