Pile of Sleeping Sub-Adult Male Elephant Seals
Piedras Blancas is located about 3 miles north of San Simeon along the California Central coast. The area is especially desolate and undeveloped due in no small measure to the former newspaper magnate, Hearst, owning a large portion of the countryside. The area is the longest undeveloped coastline south of San Francisco. While the area is relatively remote to most tourists, its very accessible. As I mentioned its located within spitting distance of the PCH. You simply have to drive north of San Simeon, look towards the water along the way, find the very obvious elephant seals, and park your car. Its that simple and part of the whole problem.
Lodging is very available during the off-seasonwinter and early spring monthsat San Simeon. In fact, the rates are quite reasonable. I personally use San Simeon State Park has a place to park my camper. While a bit scarce, restaurants are available in San Simeon if youre worried about starving. I havent yet.
My introduction to Piedras Blancas was through the wildlife photography magazine Natures Best. Theyd show cased two images from this site in their annual best of the year competition. I was inspired to go and visited the location just at the end of the last yearDecember 2001. After consulting a couple of experts and photographers that had been to the area, I made my weekend trip. I was warned by my consultants about overzealous Docentsmembers of Friends of the Elephant Sealsand Fish & Wildlife officers. I can tell you I didnt have a single problem with any of them. In fact, I only had the best conversations with them during my visits. Remember, their purpose and goal is to protect the wildlife. Allowing public viewing is a by product and secondary objective. Mostly, theyve warned and saved the most ill informed Joe Public and have little experience to presume the photographer approaching a large male elephant seal knew what he was doing. I dont mind theyre a bit more caution than some desire.
Access to the seals is along the main beach right next to the road. During peak birthing seasonmid January to late Februarythe seals can number in the thousands. Dozens on new pups are born each day during this time. Its a noisy situation and quite amazing. There are other nearby beaches the seals use but none are as crowded as Piedras Blancas. I personally love shooting images at this sight because the personalities are so varied and so many seals make many opportunities for things to happen. The beach is actually located about 10 feet lower than where their human visitors walk. Its kind of looking down in a pit. Long lenses of further animals are the way to avoid that look down perspective. Regardless, this perspective provides lots of unique views that you normally couldnt see with any animal or situation. Ive got a couple examples in my small elephant seal gallery.
Presumably, you can visit the other beaches because access to any beach in California is reserved by public law. Unlimited trooping across private land is frowned upon but direct access to the shore is guaranteed. The other beaches where the seals rest can be seen from the road and all you have to do is jump the fence, go through the locked gate, squeeze through the barbed wire to get there. I personally dont do that kind of stuff mostly because I dont prefer the inevitable controversy that will result. Besides, at least for now, I find the main beach plenty interesting enough for my needs.
12 hr Old Pup and Mom
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