2100 MDT - 29 Oct 02
Today was not what I'd call an eventfull day. While we spent the entire day shooting, I wasn't very productive. It all started at Maligne Lake where the tempertures had dropped to -15F. While I was kind of comfortable, my companions weren't. In fact, Chas said that was the coldest temps he'd ever experienced before. I wasn't totally dressed for the conditions. I wasn't wearing the right long underwear, my socks weren't right, and I forgot my fleece hat. Oh well, it wasn't that cold. Still, the D100 worked like a champ in those conditions. While the battery seemed to really suffer with the conditions, I couldn't tell if anything else was affected by the cold. So, the only reason I didn't produce any images at Maligne Lake was totally my fault. Oh well... sometimes you win, somtimes you loose.
In between shooting excursions, I worked hard at figuring out why I had so many morning images that were focused slightly behind the subject. After doing a couple test shots in the hotel parking lot, I decided I wasn't diligently placing the center focus sensor on the subject. While it's disappointing I couldn't blame the camera technology for letting me down, I now know I can improve my results if I spend more time addressing where I place the center focus sensor.
This last image was just about the last one taken the whole trip. We spent another afternoon on Sheep Ridge working on sheep shots with blue backgrounds. It seems like we were successful. Overall, I was extremely happy with the trip and hope to do it again next year. Hopefully, technology won't let me down and I'll be able to provide these journals on a daily basis.