Big Horn Sheep Portrait in Snow

Nikon D1h, 300mm f/2.8 AF-S, TC-14e, Incident Metering, 1/125sec, f/5.6, ISO 400, Gitzo 410, Wimberly Sidekick, Kirk BH-1

This was an image that almost didn't happen because I thought I already had enough Big Horn Sheep portraits. I was leading a group of photographers in Japser NP when we found two rams right by the road. We'd already spent the morning shooting moose and this situation didn't seem that interesting. Regardless, I pulled off to the roadside and encouraged our participants to shoot them. I, however, didn't think it was worth the effort. I mean, how many Big Horn Sheep Portraits did a person need. As our participants got into a groove shooting, I began to see the possibilities; snow, background, cooperative subjects. I finally relented, got off my butt, put my lazy rear into gear, and pulled out my equipment. As a result, I think this is my portrait shot of the trip. Maybe it's the best one I've ever made of a Big Horn Sheep. Certainly not the result I thought was going to happen when I first found them.