Sandhill Crane In-Flight at Sunset

Nikon D1h, 80-200mm f/2.8 AF-S, Matrix Metering, 1/160sec, f/2.8, ISO 400, SB-28Dx, -1.7ev Fill, Better Beamer, Handheld, RAW Format

This image is another of my study of shooting large birds at sunset with a flash. If motion wasn't a factor, the bird's head would be tack sharp. The rest of his body would have to deal with a very narrow DOF caused by my selection of this lens' widest aperture--f/2.8. Even though I'm using such a narrow DOF, it doesn't really matter because the subject motion would've render thos portions that would've been out of focu anyway. Selecting a wider aperture let me use a slightly higher shutter speed which helped control how blurry the wing tips were.