Cormorant Portrait
Nikon D1h, 300mm f/2.8 AF-S, TC-20e, Incident Metering, 1/500sec, f/8, ISO 200, Gitzo 410, Wimberly Head, Raw Format, Auto WB, Low Tone.
Cormorants are wonderful creatures. I never had the opportunity to work with these types of birds until I was on an extended business trip to Florida. At a local pond, a pair would sun themselves on a perch made of 2x4's. Most of the time, they'd scan around looking for alligators. Mostly though, they'd just sit there until it was time to search for more food. Occasionally, they'd raise a wing or open a jaw--as in yawning--and other small movements to stretch some muscles. Overall, these birds were quite approachable and cooperative for making portraits.