Here's a blast from the past. This image is one of my all time favorites that despite its age still is one of my all time favorites. The appeal here is the simplicity of the composition. While I prefer to have th two flowers on the right either in or out of the image--just not cut off like they are--there are few other complaints. The fantastic thing is this was taken not too long after I discovered nature photography and hadn't developed a shooting style. Actually, I had a style and it simply was go out and shoot what looked good. Nothing more complicated then that.
This "forest" of daisys was located in near Maligne Canyon practically in the middle of a parking lot. They were growing in one of those islands that divided the parking lot into different sections. I have no idea what my thought process was that lead me to this image. I think I just looked at the flowers, walked around them a couple times, and eventually got down on my hands and knees to shoot this perspective. Determining the exposure was really easy; depend on the camera's advanced matrix metering and letting it rip. No complicated exposure compensation was applied. If only I was so lucky all the time.
I routinely go though my older images and am continually impressed by their quality despite knowing so little about photography. In many ways, I've lost that "blind" sight that accompanies newbe photographers and it only returns when I remove the conversation going on in my head and just shoot what looks good.