29 Dec 99
I've lived in southern New Mexico for two years. I also off and on visited the area at for months on end. Yet, not once had I visited or even knew of the significance of this incredible place. Not until I had moved away for six years, had I discovered the importance of this of this refuge. Only through my explorations of nature photography and by reading works of masters such as Author Morris have I discovered it. Now that I have finally visited it, I look forward to a return trip. Unfortunately, the convenience of living there has eluded me and a future return is not currently planned.
My initial experience of Bosque del Apache was of the morning arrival of Snow Geese from their morning feeding grounds. Literally thousands in huge formations arrived in wave after wave. Over the water, they established themselves into circling approaches looking for a clear area to land amongst the thousands already squawking down below. Estimates numbered the Snow Geese at over 20,000 and more were arriving from their migration everyday. I was impressed how close they came and their huge numbers. Already, it was past mid-morning and morning light was gone. Still I photographed the spectacle. I've included a couple of pictures here but none of these reveal the power of so many squawking, flapping, flying, and swimming animals.
Since My visit, I've heard report of dozens of Eagles wintering there as well. I can't wait for my next visit.
Sandhill Cranes at Bosque Del Apache NWR, New Mexico, November 1999
Snow Geese Landing at Bosque Del Apache NWR, New Mexico, November 1999
Snow Geese Taking Off at Bosque Del Apache NWR, New Mexico, November 1999